RE+Public launching urban art Augmented Reality – reviving murals

Re+Public is (finally!) publicly launching its anticipated and innovative urban art augmented reality mobile app.

App Store: search: “republic”

Google Play: search “re+public heavy”


In addition to our projects at the Bowery Wall (NYC) and Wynwood Walls (MIA), the launch of our free app coincides with the video release of our most recent project, which is a collaboration with MOMO to create an interactive digital mural in St. Louis:

Click Thumbnail to View Video:

+ Note: if you are unable to visit these cities, you can still trigger the augmented reality experience from mural images on the Re+Public website. Click Here to view mural images.

While currently only available on mobile devices, the Re+Public app is a visionary initial step in the coming future of digitally augmented urban spaces that individuals will view and interact with through wearables. The Re+Public app will soon expand to include projects in more US locations and cities abroad.

A sincere thanks for your support and continuing to follow Re+Public. Please feel free to forward this email and help get the word out ;)

Additional Links:

Project Videos


Official Press Release


Re+Imagining Public Space

Los Angeles | New York City