Augmented Reality On iPad 2

Personally, I find tablet devices boring (not that I will object getting one). They simply pale in comparison to some of Mac Funamizu’s creations. But, as the iPad2 is all the rage right now, here are a few augmented reality demos running on it, making it a little bit cooler.

If you have a video of your AR app running on the iPad2, shoot me an email or leave a comment.

String on an iPad 2:

Metaio’s Junaio on an iPad 2:

Total Immersion’s Magic Mirror on an iPad 2 (first covered by Thomas):

4 Responses

  1. IPad 2 very creative advertising, support for Apple!

  2. as the iPad2 is all the rage right now, i think too

  3. It’s a cool feature, but I have more fun with the star gazer app.

  4. Hey friend I really praise your blog, it is full Great information. I hope you don\’t mind me sharing it with my Facebook community.

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